Wednesday, May 5, 2010

First Field Day!

My heart is filled with unbelievable happiness when I think about Kennedy's first Field Day last week. When I was in elementary school (not saying how many years ago...), we always had so much fun at Field Day. For our friends and relatives living elsewhere, Field Day is an entire day of outdoor games - WITH RIBBONS WHEN YOU WIN!

But winning isn't the most important thing. Okay, WHO am I kidding!? The MORE ribbons, the better! Mrs. Ward's Wild Things ROCKED! I also remember having team names based on our teacher's last name. Kennedy had such a good time and the rain held off just long enough for the kindergarten groups to compete!

Here are Kennedy's favorite girlfriends from Mrs. Ward's class. Kennedy W., Riley Grace, Lauren and my sweet girl. And yes - there is another Kennedy in Mrs. Ward's class. Just when you think you have named your child something unique - they go to school and find that there more! So "Kennedy W." and "Kennedy L." have been friends from the start. Why not? They have precious names!

Do you SEE the determination on my girl's face? This was her favorite event because she said she likes to run. (sniff, sniff - maybe she'll run with me someday!)
The must-have Sack Race. But when I was little (again, MANY years ago) - we had burlap sacks, not these colored sacks with handles! Notice how Kennedy is eyeing her competition in the lane next to her.
And I could JUST CRY with joy looking at this photo. She was having a BLAST with her egg-on-spoon race. She followed directions by holding her hand behind her back. I saw one kid who used his thumb to hold onto the egg. All the mamas started yelling "CHEATER! CHEATER!" Oops... guess we got a little competitive, too.

And the Tug of War! These kids pulled their little hearts out!!!! And the teachers and parents yelled... uh, I mean, CHEERED on the kids! They won second place in the Tug of War!

Before I know it, Brady will be having his first Field Day in Kindergarten and Chris and I will be jumping back and forth between kindergarten field day and third grade field day. Yikes!! Time is flying!!

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