Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Honor Roll

Straight A's!! My sweet girl is so smart. She may be a sassy little thing, but she can buckle down and get serious when she wants to. She was honored at school today for her second nine week report card of all A's AND she met her Accelerated Reader goal. That means she read a predetermined number of books, took a test on each book, and accumulated the points to reach her goal!

And to celebrate -- I took her to her favorite ice cream shop for a scoop. What good is a free coupon if you don't use it right away, right?

The funniest thing is she picked a flavor called "Love Potion #31"... it was filled with raspberry flavors and chocolate chips.

As she devoured it on the way home, my witty little daughter looked at me with love in her eyes and said, "Oh yeah. This love potion is definitely working on me! ....... Wait, what IS a love potion?"

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Deni said...

Yea!!!! Kennedy!!! I too, was an accelerated reader and joined the book clubs in the summer! Good job smarty pants! Smart, beautiful, and funny-she's the full package!