1. Work - busier than ever! So many projects, so little time. But that's boring stuff, so I won't delve into it here.
2. School - well there are two updates under the "school" category. One for me and one for Kennedy. We'll start with the little princess first. SHE STARTED KINDERGARTEN! She loves her teacher, Mrs. Ward, and she's already talking about her new friends. She has light homework assignments each night and enthusiastically finishes them right when she gets home from school. At the moment, Chris is taking her and picking her up from school. We think kindergarten is too early to ride the bus... maybe when she asks to ride? She'll start being embarrassed by us soon enough.... I want us to take her to school as long as she'll let us. As for me, I had my first graduate school class last Monday night and it was very interesting! I have a lot to read, though. That scares me because I rarely have time to read a magazine, much less Shakespeare! But I will find the time, I'm sure.
3. Brady - Oh sweet boy. He is pointing to things when he wants them. He says, "BYE!" and waves. He can blow kisses and he can point to his nose when you ask him where his nose is. He is melting my heart every day.
5. Brady got his first haircut. He was SO well-behaved! Not scared at all... Brady and his daddy got haircuts at the same time. Precious!
6. After Kennedy's first week at school, she and I took a girls trip to Little Rock to see our sweet little Lauren! It was her 2nd birthday and we had a great time with my sister and her family. We cannot wait to go back!