Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A sweet night

The bedtime routine is usually hectic (that's a nice way of putting it) because one or both of them don't want to go to bed. And they both DRAG out teeth brushing. Read two books instead of one. Don't turn the light off. Whining. Complaining. You get the picture.

But tonight, there were some pretty precious moments between me and my sweet babies. Chris had put Kennedy to bed and I had just finished reading to Brady. I turned off B's lamp and was about to lay down with him for our usual good night snuggles when the light from re hallway got brighter. We had a visitor.

(Shhhhhhhh!!! Don't tell Chris!)

It was my baby girl! She wanted to kiss her brother goodnight. So we invited her to join us for some snuggles in Brady's bed. I laid in the middle with one kid wrapped in each arm. It. Was. Fabulous.

We took turns telling each other what we loved about each other. We gave out LOTS of hugs and nestled ourselves under the covers. I smelled their freshly-washed hair and kissed their sweet little heads.

I don't always remember to enjoy the little things. And once I do, I realize how QUICK time flies by. Before I know it - they won't want to snuggle with me. They probably won't even talk to me when they're teens.

So I closed my eyes and soaked up every second of our snuggle time.

It was THE perfect night.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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