Wednesday, December 16, 2009

No pictures

Since we lost our camera, I haven't been able to take as many pictures as I would like. I've been relying on my Blackberry to take photos but the quality is not that good. But I am going to buy one this week, so I'll start posting pictures again as soon as possible.

So here is the LaPierre family news, in words only:

Brady is sick - first time in two months! I'm grateful for that (that it's been a while since he's been sick). I'm also grateful that Chris is home this time because he's usually on the road when one of the kids is sick. I especially need him to be home this time because the little man has pink eye! That means holding him down and putting drops in his eyes. He is a feisty little sucker. This morning, his eyes and nose were caked shut. He couldn't see a thing and was just sitting in his bed fussing for me to come get him. I felt so bad, but laughed at the same time. The camera would have been handy for that site!

I cut Kennedy's hair. Actually, I cut both kids' hair recently. Kennedy's hair was so long that it was tangled constantly. I couldn't stand to hear her whine about the brush hurting her, so I cut about five inches off of it. She LOVES it! She looks precious.... and older. NOT a good thing.

I got an A in my first graduate class!! And a 100 on my research paper! Woo hoo!! Actually, I like graduate school a lot more than I thought I would. Being an adult student gives me a different perspective. It's VERY time consuming, but worth it. Onto the next semester!!

We aren't going to be able to make it to Maine for Christmas this year. I'm totally bummed about this, but financially we just couldn't make it happen. We closed on the house too late in the year to be able to swing $2000 in airline tickets. BUT we are planning a July vacation there this summer. Brady will be 2 years old; Kennedy will be almost 6 and I'm guessing travel will be a little easier during the summer than the holidays.

I signed up for a full marathon. Actually, I upgraded my 1/2 marathon in New Orleans in February to a full - thanks to the constant razzing of my dear sweet friend Deni. She caught me at the right time because I'd just received word from my doctor that cholesterol was way too high. I've been running every Saturday morning for a minimum of 6 miles, but getting the weekday runs in has been a bit more challenging. So I bit the bullet and upgraded. WHAT AM I THINKING!??!

Christmas is just a few weeks away and I'm looking forward to the break from work and some quality time with Chris and the kids! Hopefully I won't let the next few weeks go by without posting!!

1 comment:

Deni said...

Yea!!!! For the full marathon! We're gonna kick the marathon's bum and your cholesterol's too and have fun doing it!! Can't wait to see Kennedy's hair, hope B is better asap!!