Thursday, November 27, 2008
Thankful... for 100 miles logged
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
"Thanksgiving day is a happy day and we say thank you God. Thanksgiving day is a happy day and we say thank you God.." on and on and on.
But it's true. It is a happy day and I say thank you to God for all the blessings in my life:
1. My husband, who loves me despite all my crazy moods and OCD tendencies. He is the most amazing person I know and I am blessed that God led me to Maine to meet and marry him. He is a provider, a loving father, and an amazing friend. I could not make it in life without him.
2. My healthy children. How lucky am I to have two wonderful, well-behaved and healthy children? Being a mother is something that brings such joy to my life. I had no idea how much love I had in my heart until I became a mother. And it makes me love my husband even more because we created these two precious beings, each one a part of him and a part of me. What a miracle.
3. Our home. It's not just a house, it's a place where we are making memories everyday. We are living in the house our children will grow up in. We will carve many Thanksgiving turkeys here, celebrate many Christmases here, have birthday parties, family dinners and movie nights here. I am so thankful to God for bringing us to Louisiana and our home is icing on the cake.
4. Family! Chris and I have such loving siblings and parents. While we are able to see my parents more often, Chris' family in Maine is with us always. Family is so important to us. They provide the support system we longed for in Texas.
5. Friends. This one hits close to home these days. After Amber's death, I appreciate my friends more than ever. Not only do I feel that God brought us back to Louisiana to be near family, but to be near my best friend, too. Susie and I have connected in ways that I cannot describe. Sometimes we finish each other sentences. And while we see each other at work everyday, we text message each other at night. She is my inspiration and motivation for my new favorite hobby and I cannot wait to cross the finish line with her in the 1/2 marathon in New Orleans. I thank God for introducing us 12 years ago.
So this Thanksgiving brings me quite a bit to be thankful for. I hope you are celebrating everything in your life as well.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Saying goodbye
Since the family had a private burial on Wednesday, our small group of friends decided to hold our own grave site service after the memorial. Seeing the freshly placed dirt is devastating. I have attended several funerals in my lifetime; the most recent in my family was when my grandaddy in Florida died when Kennedy was a baby. But somehow it's more difficult with a young person. My grandaddy lived more than 80 years. Amber only graced this earth for 25.
But I know God has a plan for everyone. My life's path dramatically changed when my father died when I was five. There's no doubt that Eric's life has dramatically changed now as well. But I have to believe that God has something amazing in store for E. I just know it.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Explaining death to children
It is our parental instinct to want to protect our children from any harm. But sometimes, as a parent, we owe our kids the truth - even if it hurts. Such is the case with Kennedy and telling her about Amber. She knew "Miss Amber" very well and knew she was sick. We did not hide that from her. She asked to see her when I would visit the hospital and she colored many get well cards, pictures, and posters for her. One night, unprompted, she prayed for "Miss Amber to get better at the doctor and Mr. Eric, too... because I love them."

I am a very emotional person and always have been. Always will be. So I knew that I would barely be able to speak through the tears to tell Kennedy about Amber. And Chris knew it would upset Kennedy more to see me sobbing and trying to explain what happened, so he bravely told her while I was driving back from Memphis Sunday.
Dad: "Kennedy, we need to talk about Miss Amber... She is gone and we won't be able to see her anymore."
Kennedy pouts and asks why.
Dad: "Because she went to be with Jesus. She is in Heaven now."
Kennedy: "She's with JESUS?"
Dad: "Yes, honey. Do you remember when we used to pass by the cemetery on the way to your old school?"
(Kennedy asked Chris what the place was that had all the "things" sticking out of the ground. He explained that it was a cemetery and that's where people are buried when they die, but their souls go to Heaven. I commend Chris for being honest because I probably would have made up a story to avoid talking about death.)
Kennedy: "Yes, I remember. That's where people go when they die."
Dad: "That's right. They are put in a box in the ground, but their souls go to Heaven."
Kennedy: "Daddy, how will Miss Amber's soul GET to Heaven? Oh wait... I know. She'll climb in the box and it will float up to Heaven and she'll get out and see Jesus!"
At this point, Chris agrees with her and leaves the room because he is overwhelmed with emotion. Children are resilient and understand more than we give them credit for. And Kennedy's interpretation of Amber's "ride" to Heaven was simply amazing.
Last night, we talked about it briefly and it was the first time I heard her talking about it since Chris gave her the news alone on Sunday. I don't want her to dwell on it, but it came up during dinner and I started crying. She was concerned about me and Chris reminded her that "Mommy will be sad for a little while because she misses Miss Amber."
Kennedy, being the bright little girl she is, said... "And Mr. Eric is sad, too."We will all be sad for a while because a member of our SneStinBaLa (Sneed, Stinson, Sabala, LaPierre) family is gone. She was an amazing friend and I will never forget her.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Our friend Amber
Over the last four weeks, Amber fought so hard to conquer the Leukemia that consumed her body and while the first round of chemotherapy worked, the internal bleeding was too much for her body to handle. Yesterday morning, the internal bleeding went into her brain and there was too much damage for her to recover. Her sweet husband Eric removed her from life support and she slowly drifted to heaven, where we know she is in no more pain. But unfortunately for those of us left here on Earth, we are in a tremendous amount of pain thinking about how we will move on without our friend. We are especially hurting for her husband Eric who can't make sense of it all. The loss of a spouse is more than I can comprehend.
Susie and I got the news simultaneously from our husbands yesterday while we were driving back from Memphis. We were out of town for a girls weekend and the guys got together and decided it was best to call us at the same time and let us know. Unfortunately it was a 7 hour drive home and we did not make it to the hospital in time to say our goodbyes. But while I wish I had the chance to see her and hold her hand before her time had come, it could be a blessing from God that I will always remember her as a healthy and vibrant young woman who had a tremendous amount of faith, a passion for decorating, and a very strong desire to be a mother. I only wish she'd had that opportunity. She would have been an amazing mother.
So for those of us left here to figure out why this happened... we may never have an answer. But we must try to carry on with our lives and hold onto our friends and family a little tighter. I hugged and kissed Chris a little more when I got home from Memphis. I snuggled a little longer with my kids. And I know I appreciate my best friend more today than I ever have.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Half-marathon... oh my!

My only goal is to finish... no time goal at all. Just pure fun!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
5 months old
He eats oatmeal with his dinnertime bottle and he is finally getting the hang of it. We hope to start veggies very soon!
He loves bright colors and music, playing in the exersaucer, and swinging in his swing (something we could never get Kennedy to enjoy).
He is grabbing at toys! He can't hold onto them for very long, but he likes reaching for bright colored toys.
He is ticklish on his tummy and laughs when you play with him in that sweet spot! That is the sweetest sound a mother could ever hear.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Kennedy or Brady?
Can you tell who is who? Which one is Kennedy and which one is Brady? These pictures were both taken when they were a few months old. Obviously I can tell the difference, but I keep hearing over and over again, "He looks SO much like Kennedy." Well I never realized how much until I started looking through pictures of Kennedy from when she was a baby. Four years ago may not seem like that long ago, but a lot has happened since then.... we've moved a few times (one of those times, we moved to a different state!). Chris and I both changed jobs. We built a house and had another baby.... so my memory isn't the best! I'm doing good to get matching clothes on in the morning! So if you haven't figured out who it is yet... I'll tell you. Kennedy is the one wearing the hat.
Friday, November 7, 2008
My husband
I am not the easiest person to live with. I can be demanding, picky, opinionated... you get the picture. But Chris just goes with the flow, no matter what hair brained idea I come up with. Last night, I was extremely emotional from a combination of things: exhaustion (as I usually am by Thursday evenings) and some events of the week. After ballet, I dropped off Kennedy (Chris had already picked up Brady) and fled to an evening event I needed to attend. Neither of the kids had been fed or bathed. I had no plans for dinner. I just kissed him goodbye and took off.
When I got home, both kids and Chris had eaten dinner. Both kids had been bathed and were in bed. The kitchen was cleaned and Brady's bottles were made for the night. I did not have to leave a list of "things to do" for the evening routine. I did not have to walk Chris through some dinner ideas. He put on his Mr. Mom hat and ran the evening circus, like I often do when he is out of town. No complaints from him... he just did it.
This afternoon, Chris is going to pick up Kennedy and take her on, what I call, a "Daddy-Daughter Date." She has NO idea he is doing this... he's going to surprise her. He is picking her up from school and taking her to see Madagascar 2 at the movie theater. As much as I want to see this movie (I love animated kid movies), I think it's more important for Kennedy to get to see it with her daddy.

The latest on Amber

Thursday, November 6, 2008
Brady's bumps
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
My Maine Family
Memere and Brady
Kennedy and Kadence
We spent Friday at the Fair, which was a blast! The girls rode rides and even the adults rode some of the big rides!
Chris, Kelly, Matt, Monique, and David - a rare LaPierre family picture!
Kennedy and I rode the ferris wheel together
Matt, Chris and I rode this ride. I think I left some of my brains there... this HURT!
We spent some time at home and Brady fell in love with his Aunt Kelly!
The girls dressed up as pirates for Halloween and Kennedy's other cousin Lauren came with us as well. Kelly and I dressed up, too! We spent a lot of time laughing, telling jokes, enjoying the fire on the back porch. We enjoyed time as a family. We are all looking forward to seeing them again very soon.
I have been praying a lot lately. There is a lot to pray about. My friend Amber, who is struggling with fever and infections in ICU right now. She has a rough road to recovery.
I am praying for my friend Mercedes, who delivered her twin boys six weeks early and they are both in NICU in Dallas right now. They, too, are fighting infections and have premie complications. Her days are spent by their side in the NICU and her nights are spent at home with her husband and her other two boys.
I am praying for my friend and co-worker Viki, who's father suddenly passed away on Monday from a heart attack. She is pregnant and dealing with this major loss in her life and so I pray that she is able to heal and remain calm for the sake of her baby.
There is a somber feeling in my heart these days and I think it is because of the tough times people around me are going through. I have a tendency to internalize things and take on other people's feelings. I am an emotional person under "normal" circumstances, but I have been even more emotional lately thinking about the challenges life can bring us. I have had my fair share of challenges in my life, but nothing like what these friends are going through.
I pray that God will protect them and help them all heal.
A New President
I have noticed a lot of panic among friends and acquaintances about our new leader. I don't know if that stems from the fact that we live in the south and are somewhat less open-minded than our neighbors of the north... or if it's that he's African-American... or if that it's that he is "different." Maybe you disagree with him on some of his views. But I think we should all be appreciative of anyone willing to take on the role of president with the current state of our country. I, personally, am ready for the wars to end. I am ready for financial stability. And whether or not you voted for him, I feel it's an important time in American history to celebrate the election of our first African-American president. My children and grandchildren will look to me to hear about what it was like to live through this time in history... just as I looked to my grandparents to learn about World War II.
Now, if we can just start looking towards our first female president.
Oh.. and ps. I took a picture of myself voting. I'm pretty sure it was illegal, but I wanted proof that I VOTED in this election!